If you are new to JKA England, our membership system is administrated by JoinIn - please create an account for yourself and then you can purchase a membership for yourself or any family members. Once your payment is applied, your licence book and membership slip is posted to your Chief Instructor. 


Current and returning members renew your membership or update your details via JoinIn. Invoices for renewal are emailed out 27 days in advance of the expiry date. 
If your membership expired before July 2024 or you have had a break in training please email

FAQ's - Membership 

A. The annual membership fee for JKA England is £30 per year. 
A. Current and recent members who were moved over from V1 of LoveAdmin must first accept the invation sent from JoinIn to create an account and link with your current membership details. If you haven't done this and have lost the email please email the membership officer for help. 
A. If you've been a member of JKA England in the past, please don't create a new membership. Instead, if you're returning after taking a break, reach out to our membership officer for help. They'll be happy to assist you. 
A. You need to verify your email address with the system. You will have been sent an verification via email at some point - please find that email and click on the link within it.  
If you can't find the email or are still having trouble, email the membership officer. 
A. Log into your JoinIn account and follow the instructions below: 
A. Many of our events are members only! You need to log into your JoinIn account for the system to recognise that you are already a member.  
If you are still having troubles, check if your membership has expired - there will be an outstanding invoice on the dashboard of your JoinIn account. 
A. Follow the instructions below to see your membership dates and do a screenprint.  
Membership cards are under developement and the membership officer will email everyone when the functionality is released. 
A. If you have any questions or concerns about your JKA England membership, feel free to reach out to our membership officer at They'll be more than happy to assist you.